Thread: Chatty Cathy
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Old 09-15-2013, 04:00 AM
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Originally Posted by oma66
Yes, I do have a solution...first of all, since you don't know her, you don't know what her life is like outside the quilting room. Secondly, she is in need, it appears, of friendship. would be benefical if someone in the group, maybe you, could invite her to go to lunch and in the conversation, without pointing fingers, let her know that the group enjoys little conversaton while working or however you want to word it. I know the type of personality - their contant talking usually means they are insecure and they need reassurance. I hope some effort is made to help her understand the quilt group without making her feel unwanted. However, if she does not get the hint about the constant talking in the group, then she will have to be told outright that the constant convesation is unwelcome, but she is welcome. It can be done in a friendly and loving way. I hope this helps.
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