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Old 09-20-2013, 01:42 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Indiana
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by jeanharville View Post
This is just what I was thinking. I especially noticed the floors. Are they laminate or what? We want to replace our dark floors with a lighter color because the dark shows every piece of lint.

Looking forward to seeing the creations that come out of this wonderful sewing space.
the floors are vinyl peel-and-stick wood look. I love that they are easy clean up, but they don't want to stay stuck down. Bummer! Some of the tile planks are popping up. We followed install instructions so not sure why. While doing my research, a saw that other people had some issues with this brand of flooring too while some said it was wonderful. It doesn't keep me from sewing but we are constantly pushing the tiles down. I may have to use some gorilla glue!
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