Old 09-23-2013, 11:32 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: England Alton Towers
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I love shops with a warm welcome from staff and layout. Some I have visited have seats drink areas as well as being willing to help. I did go to one shop and although it was clean and organised it was just too claustrophobic for me. I think I said excuse me a million times all customers were in each other's way. Also I had just been travelling over 2 hours and asked about where I could find toilets and drink. Somewhere up the road in an area I didn't know. A link with a local cafe would have been nice. Also I like the staff to be friendly and helpful. The crowded shops tend to have staff who just say good morning if you get that. I also have just remembered a shop I don't go to because the lighting is terrible and as a result can not see colours.
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