Old 09-26-2013, 05:34 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Raleigh,NC
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I have something to funny share with you ladies. I bought some material to finish up the doll quilt for Sept. I also got a new tenant, which he wanted the bigger room of the two, now my sewing room is quite small. he changed everything around, and nicely done,the material, yarn etc. Now back to the fabric I bought, it was missing! couldn't find it for a week. well I got in there Monday, literally tore everything down which that guy fixed up sooo good. I FOUND IT!! way down at the bottom of some other material that I had stored! so I learned a lesson , the stuff I am ready to sew, I need to keep in a designated area and not lose it.... I have been laughing about it, oh and yes I did re-sort the "mess" and put it all away nicely, So Quiltingkrazy, I plan to finish this and send it Monday.
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