Thread: windows xp is
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Old 09-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 243

Well,,,,,,with all the streaming video taking over; don't really know if the internet will stay the same as it is now. We may all be out and off the internet. The airwaves can only take so much crossover streams. Even now in some communities people are being interrupted and cutoff. You know like the old Party Line phones--now you know how old I am. So, not sure how things are going to go. Maybe we ought to consider going to visit as we use to and write letters. I too, have XP but perfer my Compact 2000, it still runs and my programs but I have not upgraded it and it is not on line but looks like a monument on the desk. To print I just use the flash drive and take what I want to the xp and print.
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