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Old 10-10-2013, 11:03 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 61

The woman in the material dept said they can not order or choose fabric and have to take what get shipped to them. They are getting bunch of materials for dress up clothes I would call it. Bolts they have. Material styles do change over the years. I sure noticed that when I cut up the scrap in to little blocks. And they do not all have the same materials.

The quilt material store in the big city is so high I donot go there. 90 miles to the big city and the other the other direction is not quite that far maybe 75. That is closest places to shop. I have been in this little now year and half and only here because I have a son here. Senior bus goes to the two once a month.

I will be 82 next month and I have just made blocks in the past. New to making fancier quilts. I made the John Deere one last year for son and he likes that.
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