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Old 10-14-2013, 05:10 AM
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I feel your pain...I have an is like the girl with the curl...when she was good she was very good but when she was bad she was horrid. Mine is at the dealers right now, after the bobbin mechanism had a meltdown. When she is sewing she is a dream, but when she is not it is a 2hour trip to the dealers....sigh...

So off to the dealers I go,....I have a brother Inovis for backup, one day in and I break a needle and it screws up something????? another 2 hour trip to the my back up back up is my old reliable Bernina 830 is doing a funny thing, so I have a guy who will repair it here, he is only 30min away...Who would figure that out of four machines three would break down all at once, I am afraid to touch the serger, it could explode as my luck is holding. Fortunately my good old 830 record held out till I finished the doll clothes I was making.

Last edited by kellen46; 10-14-2013 at 05:16 AM.
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