Old 10-14-2013, 03:21 PM
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o.k. call the men in white coats. I just finished next months pc.
it's a roasted turkey.his legs are meaty, but those darn tootin wings, what a bugger they were. just like in real life, not much meat. I need to find a platter to put him on now. I made my own pattern and started from the breast meat on out to the leg and wing. now he just needs something fancy to sit on. I don't know if i'm doing my second one a roasted turkey or not. he took a bit of time. got a great idea for January, i'm calling my theme 'winter wonderland'.
can you guess what i'm going to do???? I need to buy fabric for it tomorrow. i'm trying to get a jump on these things so I can sit back and enjoy what you all are doing. can't wait for the posting of November. have fun all
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