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Old 10-22-2013, 04:44 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Default How to kill time?

I have been wanting to get more "creative" about making quilt tops. I'm not good at it... and I hate cutting!! I don't have money to buy pre-cuts or a die-cutting machine. I thought I would enjoy cutting with scissors, but not really sure how to do that and get accurate pieces. I have, in the past, drawn lines with a ruler, then cut, but there HAS to be a better way! I love deconstructing clothing to use (yeah, I know that's weird), but then I get stacks and piles and bags full of fabric that frustrate me, when I pull out my rotary!

What is a good way to relax and cut 2-inch squares during my lunch hour or while sitting around.. without carrying a load of supplies?! Just me, my fabric, and my scissors?
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