Old 11-15-2013, 11:54 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,667

That's a lot of bird stuff! Now the lil upside down tents for the birds to sleep in sounds interesting...

Brat, hope you feel better tomorrow, er today. When will you know the outcome of your tests?

Jaba, I am thinking for dq swap #52, that you will surely get my name (hint to hostess..and yes, I know I have to sign up to be involved..lol) as that quilt you made Justducky65 is well, "just ducky"! Sorry, y'all, I couldn't resist...but seriously, that quilt will fit for myself and dh, boy would he ever love it! Also hope you're resting...

KwiltKrazy got the dq I made her for #50 with the candle theme, and she posted a pic...yippee! For some reason it seems swappees don't often post pics of what I send..I was starting to wonder if it was my work or the fqs I send..but I try and send what I know I would want..then my lil ole pea brain thought, "Hmm...maybe it's your taste, then." EEK!!
Gotta laugh!
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