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Old 11-18-2013, 12:49 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Joplin, Missouri
Posts: 1,058

What an awful day that was. I was a senior in High School.. and like a lot of teenagers I thought I knew everything.... so I was wearing a tiny transistor radio that my brother had built for me in a Sucrets tin.. I had the wire for the earplug running up under my shirt. My hair was long so no one could really see the ear piece and as long as I kept the volume way down no one knew the difference.. I thought I was big stuff... When the music was interrupted and the anouncement was made I was so shocked that I stood up and blurted it out.. I didn't raise my hand, just stood up and said what I had heard. My English teacher turned and looked at me and must have known, by the look on my face, that it was what I had heard.. She turned and walked out into the hallway... in a few minutes she came back and said that it was true. No more class, we turned on a radio in the classroom and we all just listened and cried. Very soon we were all sent home. It was the children that made me cry. I can still see little John saluting his father's casket. It was a horrible day. Still can bring tears to my eyes. I guess in the shock of the event the fact that I had been listening to a radio in class was forgotten as nothing was ever said about it.
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