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Old 11-24-2013, 04:10 PM
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Wilburness, my Mom oiled her machine faithfully - she put one little drop in the hole. Yup one. The oil was spattered all over the inside of the machine when my sister and I did a major clean up a couple years ago. Mom saw parts of that machine that had not seen the light of day since it was made. That machine was needing a good clean up but it was still running. I think setting around does more harm than running them on very little oil. Most people that use them do dab some on now and then. People that let them set never oil them and what oil is in there dries up and the machine freezes up. I have never had to quickly spray something inside a machine to get it to move - it is quick enough just to drop a little oil on each part. Besides I like doing it. Usually oiling a machine is the least of my worries.

Usually someone who has been in the sewing machine business for 30 years has moved on to computerized and plastic wonders years ago because that is where the money goes. I'm surprised that the sewing guy has bothered with us no money vintage people.
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