Old 12-01-2013, 02:21 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2011
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What I haven't taken time to post is my failings which are many on this project. There are no pictures to prove my problems. Glenn did not finish the job - he left a lot for me to do -we were all three exhausted and Pat had food ready to eat. When I got back around to it the first thing I did was get too much something on the rag and get it stuck to the machine just a bit. I think the oil is very important. You really do have to acquire a feel for this. The good news was it was totally repairable. Then I didn't find the right color touch up paint. Flat black and gloss black are not the same color. Some how my flat black was a bit gray. Then I got some Rustolium touch up paint and the brush thing fell apart into the jar of paint. I took that back to the store. Then every place I went was out of gloss black. Finally I got some black nail polish and tried it. It is a bit too gray, too. The gloss black touch up paint is what you are looking for. I could go over that machine with the shellac again and shine it up some more. I didn't realize it was suppose to have an oil residue that gets wiped off in a few days. I kept thinking it was still wet shellac even though I know shellac dries pretty quickly. The job might have gotten done a bit quicker... I needed the cup shape wire brush for the dremmel tool to clean the metal but the store was out of those every time I went there. Finally got one... and got it stuck in my hair. Memo to self - pull hair and loose clothing out of harm's way when using power tools - even wimpy power tools. One thing to remember is that this is that this machine will still work beautifully whether the finish on it is beautiful or not. The decals are now protected. The rest is glamor. I think I can go back over it with shellac any time. Smaller containers for the various chemicals & finish would have been a huge help, too. I wonder if hand sanitizer bottles will hold that stuff? I have melted plastic cups in a nano second before - real mess. Test Test Test...
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