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Old 12-01-2013, 12:04 PM
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Location: Santiago, Chile
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Default December challenge

Hi to all!

Love seeing these examples of art about art. Good fun.

Here is my cubist period entry. It is hanging on a wall in a corner where I cannot get a good shot and so it looks crooked, but it's not---that will be another quilt.

Meanwhile I think that the theme suggested by nancia is great! Let's do it!

"i do have an idea for December, not that I've finished November. What about a whole cloth piece in the color of the season you are in. For instance, the predominate color in ny/pa this time of year ought to be white for snow. Or grey for sludge. In Australia it might be green, for spring summer. Sw USA , beige or tan for dormant grasses, etc. stir any answering inspirations" Heck yeah nancia!

BTW all you lurkers out there. These challenges in no way need to be master works for your local gallery. How about a mug rug for a friend that is also an xmas gift? A little bathroom wall hanging for right above the toilet paper dispenser? Whatever! --just use the monthly theme as a starting point and stretch your creative side a bit. C'mon and join in. This is a relaxing space where we just become more our true selves. So valuable during this time of year.

Hope you all do not get too stressed out, that health problems are much smaller than they originally appear and that you don't overspend your budget or have a family drama unfold. Remember to enjoy the season!

Attached Thumbnails cubist-2.jpg  
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