Thread: hi from Mass
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Old 12-26-2013, 03:30 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Quebec, Canada
Posts: 1,861

Welcome from Quebec city, Canada
If you have a chance to find a place in your area where you can take quilting lessons it would boost your confidence to be around others who are learning at the same time than you are.
That's how I started anyway. it was for small projects, not for a big quilt. I started with placemats, pot holder and I now have made 3 quilts. Of course, I had one book and read it over and over and over and still go back to it for reference because I think when we want to learn, there is always something new to be learned about quilting

Have fun in your new quilting journey and come back here anytime. You will find a lot of people who will help you in every step!
Go gradually and small
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