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Old 01-01-2014, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Manchester UK
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by Dragonfly Nana View Post
Welcome to the QB Pimperella! Thanks for the compliments You will find so many wonderful and helpful people here on the QB. I found it just 4 years ago myself. I can tell you that my piecing skills have improved with the help of many people from this forum and by joining in several swaps.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and jump in on a swap that intersts you.
Thank you. I'll need to make sure I am good enough to take part. Tho I know I would love to be able to in the future. Just looking at what can be achieved in these round robins and how someone else can take something far from what your own mind could have taken you and create something amazing.
I do a lot of Book and Internet learning as I tend not to get out much (and nearest quilting group is sadly far too far to get to when you rely on public transport) but they have served me well from my sofa lol
However, I do tend to have a lot of trouble with colour and pattern choice so I know I will no doubt be begging for help in due course no doubt. Loving seeing how these are turning out, tho I will have to wait patiently now having seen them progress over the space of today hehe
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