Old 01-08-2014, 04:05 AM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Jefferson
Posts: 26

It is so exciting to make a drawing of a portrait and piece it together. The method I used was this: Do a drawing, shade it with colored pencils (darks, mediums, lights) and outline each shade with a sharpie fine tip. Then I used steam a seam 2 lite. Now that stuff can be a pain in the butt cause I know... so I would take my drawing and use basting spray to baste it to the waxy side of the steam a seam two light (due to the paper coming off easily on the other side: you don't want to lose your pattern pieces off the fabric right). Then I just cut out the design following all the lines without it being on fabric. Basically your picture becomes a jigsaw. Then I would take the drawing pieces and organize them dark to light. I would find the fabric. For instance on grandpa and grandma I did the hair pieces first (farthest away). I took the designs I colored and cut out, put them on the fabric dark medium light hair then cut out away from my design edge, so there is always a bit of overlap of the pieces. The faces I worked from the cheek bone and chin area to the nose lastly. (nose is closest). After all pieces were put back together, I then sewed along each edge of each and every piece basting it down. then came the fun satin stitching, and free motion quilting. I wish you the best of luck with your project. I found recently that if you get a Teflon pressing sheet, you can actually put your copy of design under it, and put your entire pattern together on top of it, when it cools you peel it off as one piece and place on your quilt. GOOD LUCK!
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