Old 01-08-2014, 11:31 AM
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Location: RVing in USA and Canada
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Oh the snow forts we use to make and the snowball fights! Sledding and ice skating on the lake. We spent all our time outside. Mom kicked us out of the house until dinner time. LOL Back then I could play next to the road and no one worried I would be run over or kidnapped! We rode our bikes everywhere. Even my husband who grew up in Greenwich Village played outside! They strung up a volley ball net across the street, made skateboards from roller skate wheels and veggie creates and rode their bikes all over too. Everyone knew who we were and where we were. If I did something wrong, my mom would know about it by the time I got home! BTW I grew up in the 60's. Oh, now I'm remembering going skating until our toes felt like they would fall off from the cold. We'd go home an our mom had a fire going and would sit us in front of it to warm up and have a treat - hot chocolate with marshmallow fluff on top.. mmmmm

Back then a village was raising the children. Mom's didn't tell other moms, and teachers, to mind their own business. They all worked together to raise us with respect and compassion.

But, as you noted before I started ranting.... winter was a wonderful time of year to play in the snow.
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