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Old 01-19-2014, 01:48 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Originally Posted by Annie68 View Post
I've made over 100 bed, children's or wall quilts. I've kept 20. I think it's pretty much a must quilts away, as we would be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of them stored in our houses, quilting being so addictive!
For sure.

I don't know how many I've made since I really started quilting--maybe 7 years ago, but I know that I couldn't possibly keep them all--there simply isn't room. As it is, I am probably keeping too many. I started keeping better records in 2013. I finished 104 quilts and 17 of those are labelled on my MS Word file as "mine". I have a file on my computer with a picture of each plus a table with the date, what it is, for whom, anything special, etc. I may end up giving some of them away, as I can't continue to keep that many.
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