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Old 01-20-2014, 05:53 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Michigan
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Oh my.... all your posts have really gotten me to thinking. I guess I can't live with the one for you, one for me plan. I make quite a few quilts and that would mean I'd have a ton for myself. And, I agree with many of you saying you enjoy seeing someone 'love' the quilt you've made. I feel that way, too. When I went to my niece's baby shower and she opened her gift.... another baby quilt.... she was so happy. She said, " I was hoping you'd make a quilt for this new baby". Of course I'd make this baby a quilt. I've made all my great nieces and nephews a quilt. And I have a lot of great nieces and nephews.

But the biggest reason I want some quilts is so I can watch them from heaven being divided up once I'm gone. My SIL and DD are already fussing about which one they want and my DH teases them saying he's going to sell them at a garage sale for $1 each. Quilting has been a tradition in my DHs family for generations and I do have a few that his grandmother made... his mother.... his aunt..... I need to add to that pile to pass on to my children.

Thanks for all your posts everyone..... I'm really glad I asked this question.
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