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Old 01-20-2014, 10:08 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Default Havent kept any I have made yet.

Originally Posted by nanna-up-north View Post
I was thinking today, I've made quite a few quilts but I really don't have that many that I've kept for myself. So, when I look at a ratio between the ones I've kept vs the ones I've given away..... well, I've given away a lot more. So, I'm currently working on 2 UFO quilts, one is for me, the other is a gift for my daughter's 25th wedding anniversary. And the next 2 UFOs are for me. But then, I have 4 quilts that I need to make for nieces and nephews. I want more of my quilts. I need to make a new rule. One for ME, one for someone else. That should work, don't you think?
Still working on getting all the holiday and everyday quilts for my daughters and individual quilts for the grandkids and grand nieces. I do have fabric set aside for myself for "one of these days" .
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