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Old 01-23-2014, 03:40 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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I did a fleece backed quilt before Christmas and am very impressed. As mentioned above, it is quite light in weight, with a great warmth to it! Without any batting in it, it has a nice drape to it and is quite snuggly!

What worked for me .... I put the top face down on the table, and clamped/taped it in place to get that slight stretch. Then lined up my fleece and spray basted it in place. This way I could control the stretch factor just by the way I palmed it into place after spraying sections of it.

When I went to quilt it ... straight line quilting went smoothly with the fleece against the table using the DualFeed (like walking foot).

I was able to FMQ but found I was not getting the slip slide I wanted as the fleece seemed to be resisting that. Simple enough to solve ... I flipped it over to let the cotton top be on the bottom and the fleece facing up for the FMQ ... and all went great from there on.

Of course, not all quilts you can do that, but in this case, I was able to do so because the straight line quilting had been done and I knew where the FMQ needed to be.

Thanks for reminding me that I have yet to post the quilt ... when I do this weekend, I will return to this thread and share the link, so you can see the results.
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