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Old 02-02-2014, 11:33 AM
Quilter 65
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Originally Posted by MargeD View Post
Your blocks are absolutely wonderful. Jinny Beyer does have fabulous fabrics, so beautiful and can be used in so many ways.
I didn't use Jinny Beyer fabrics in this interpretation and therein lies the problem. The border prints etc that she uses in the design I think are symmetrical. Would have been much easier had I used those fabrics; but, no, I thought I would use up some of my leftovers from a previous quilt. I really like these colors. They just soothe my soul. I did see two Beyer quilts the other day at a LQS and they had used Renaissance Garden and they were stunning. I did use Jinny Beyer fabrics predominantly in Celestial Garden and it is very pretty, IMO. My GD liked it. I have had trouble interpreting the pattern in some spots and I don't know if all the patterns are like that or if it is because it is condensed because it is on the internet. At any rate, I have scratched my head and felt pretty dense, paced more than a few times. . I am hoping it will be worth all the finangling in the end.
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