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Old 02-02-2014, 04:40 PM
Teddybear Lady
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: AR
Posts: 3,604

It's raining and sleeting and freezing right now in the Northeast part of Arkansas and I'm freezing!!! I'm ready for a heat wave of say...50 degrees...haha I have an electric heater in my sewing room so I sit next to it when I'm sewing. I make sure nothing is touching it. Oh, I keep my door shut too. Keeps all that wonderful warm heat in my room.

No church service tonight because of the hazardous road conditions. By morning there will probably be school closings too.

So glad my hubby has retired. Now I don't have to fret over him being out in this kind of weather. He worked for our local utility company and retired in Jan. It's nice to sit with him in the warm house and drink a hot cup of coffee knowing he doesn't have to be out in this nasty weather.
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