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Old 02-05-2014, 05:24 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Default thread makes a difference

Originally Posted by Gayle8675309 View Post
I have been trying to master the illusive 1/4" seam ever since I've started quilting. I used a 1/4" foot and was so careful to have the fabric running right up to the little guide. But still my blocks came out too small every time!

Well, I bought two items, and used them, and NOW I am able to piece with a scant 1/4". It turns out that my 1/4" foot was NOT a true 1/4" was too wide.

So just thought I'd share what I purchased that made it possible to achieve this. It is a little ruler that you drop your needle into the hole and it measures the scant 1/4" guessing. Then you use the seam guides to stick down on your machine to guide the fabric against. Works like a charm.

Hope this helps someone.
Saw a forum on a Superior website this week which said the size of your thread makes a noticeable difference in your blocks also, never thought of that. If you use a larger thread size and press to the side as I do, often it will result in smaller blocks than intended. They recommended using a higher number thread (higher #'s are smaller) or a poly if smaller blocks are a problem & you've checked your 1/4 " seams.
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