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Old 02-05-2014, 09:34 AM
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Default Bobbins

Originally Posted by tropit View Post
My old Singers originally used metal bobbins. A few years ago, I changed over to clear, plastic bobbins so I could easily see what color thread was in them. Now, I'm wanting to go back to the metal ones. The plastic bobbins seam to break, get wobbly and just don't hold up...IMHO. What's your experience with plastic vs. metal bobbins?
My Singer DSXll came with plastic. Manual says class 15 but I have bought Singer class 15 that were thinner and wobble in the machine. I have to watch when I buy bobbins that they are the thicker bobbin and are a very slight blue hue in color. The metal ones work but I was advised to use the plastic when I bought the machine.

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