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Old 02-06-2014, 04:34 PM
Emma S
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OK: Just to give you a quick answer. Jabba or Brat will be along with a better one. You have an odd size, just as I did. Of that 32 inch amount .5 inch is seam allowance. I added 4.5 inches, 2.25 inches on each side. This will give you 36 inches finished or 36.5 overall measurement. To keep your blocks easy to measure I would use divisible by 3. If you decide on a three inch finished block then your block, pieced but not sewn together should measure 3.5 inches. If an 6 or 9 inch finished block, it should measure 6.5 or 9.5 before joined. So if you decide on a 6 inch finished you will have six blocks on two sides and eight blocks on the other two sides. Hope I didn't just muddy the waters.
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