Old 02-09-2014, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by sassy granny View Post
Sulabug your boxes are beautiful. I have been wanting to make some but not sure how to go about it. I have been watching the tutorials . hoping someone would write a tute for them, but haven't seen one or either missed it. Maybe you would be nice enough to do that. It looks fairly easy enough. I can usually look at things I like and figure it out but I've been sick for the past year and haven't been able to sew anything, and getting out of practice at the same time. Looks like I'm going to have to have a pacemaker put in before I can get any energy or strength to sit at the sewing machine or anything else. I'm hoping to get back into some quality time for doing things I want to do. I'm struggling to do what I have too. I'll keep watching for a tutorial. Thanks in advance if you would be willing to do one.

sassy granny
sassy granny....................I am so glad that you have checked out this project & would like to make the fabric boxes too!! They go together fairly easy & you will enjoying making them. Here is the website for the direction's.


Good Luck with your pace maker surgery & we hope that you will be well & back to your old self really soon. I can hardly wait to see photo's of your fabric boxes, when they are all done. My thoughts & prayers are with you always.
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