Old 02-11-2014, 05:35 AM
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Originally Posted by SulaBug View Post
YEAH!! I finally got my 52 squares all sewn together & ready to show everyone. Luckily I was able to find exactly 52 different pieces of fabric for mine. Most of it is floral, as I just love floral fabric's. Hope these blocks will work out just right!!
Sulabug, you inspired me! I was rummaging through UFOs, partially finished projects, and when I read your entry, the lightbulb went on! YAY! I have some pretty bright florals left from a long ago block of the month project. I'm usually a pastel girl. Anyway, I did get 52 pieces cut and now will go on to stitch the strips. Hope you don't mind me copying, but these were scraps and now they won't be! I was ready to leave the train. Thanks! Love this group!!
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