Thread: Gray?
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Old 02-16-2014, 05:36 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
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Until recently I didn't realize there were so many different shades of grey. A friend of mine is having a baby and her colors are aqua, yellow and.............................grey. I didn't have enough of the grey she liked in my stash so went out looking for another one to add to it as this one is no longer available (yes, I've checked). I found one I thought would look okay until I got it home and it had a green cast to it. Didn't look greenish at the store so I'm wondering about their lighting compared to what I have over my cutting table? Anyway, came up with another alternative from my stash so the one I bought will just be put into the stash. Connecting Threads is always having a sale on something and I just received their magazine for March. Went online as they were advertising variegated quilting threads which I have a few of from long ago and wanted to add to them. Didn't read on the magazine it was for March though so couldn't find them but found lots of fabrics on sale and have a bunch in greys, aqua and yellows as I found I had very few in my stash. So much for not buying fabric this year.
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