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Old 02-19-2014, 02:01 PM
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Well, I finally decided to share and ask for encouragement. I have to have hip surgery and drs won't do it til I lose about 30 pounds. I've had success before with the South Beach program (lost about 25 lbs the fall of '12 and have kept it off) so decided to do it again. But it's just not cutting it this time. I feel so discouraged and depressed about the whole thing. Am dealing with leg and hip pain which makes getting food and prepping it a challenge. My daily sked is strange bed very late and up late so don't get in 3 meals and 3 snacks which I'm sure is part of the problem. Very sedentary--also bad. Reading all the posts have thought about trying Dr Oz's 2 wk program to hopefully get a jump start.

The last Dr. I went to urged me to try going Vegan (he's a passionate Vegan); I checked out his ref books, Forks over Knives and China Study and their cookbooks. I'm impressed but don't think I can go this far right thinking Vegetarian is very do-able but can I lose the weight on it? Mobility is very difficult and trying to find all I'd need for Vegan seems beyond doing. Checked out McDougall's site and it's pretty much Vegan, right? Paleo is not for me.

I guess that maybe things will look brighter in a few days--55 tomorrow, ice gone so can get out of the apt. to go to the grocery. I liked South Beach....missed some things but it's seemed balanced and did work for awhile. Weight Watchers has been suggested and I'm resisting it but will go ahead and check it out. Got some Atkins frozen dinners to use when didn't feel like cooking and just add veggies. I know there're no easy answers but with dealing with the pain and all, things get overwhelming. I started a quilt around Christmas for my little 2 yr old BFF next door and haven't been able to finish it, which only depresses more.

I love the QB and all the help it gives in many different areas. I'm sorry to be and sound so down but just feel kind of hopeless now.
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