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Old 02-19-2014, 04:26 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Greeneville, TN
Posts: 796

Do you have a pool available locally, say at the Y or a medical facility rehab center? A few years ago I had back problems and they wanted to do some back surgery but said I would have to lose some weight first. The pool was the only thing they recommended for exercise and it was excruciating to get there but once in the pool most of the pain from weight bearing was completely gone. I got to the point that I actually looked forward to going because for the time I was there I felt much better. I did get some weight off in the process but because of the improvement in the way I felt I opted not to have the surgery done and so far the improvement has been permanent. I have come to the conclusion though that it would be of general benefit to my overall health to loose another 30 pounds and I am working on that. It isn't happening quickly but it is happening. I would also recommend a site like low carb friends where you will find information and encouragement. There is no charge and there are at least 15 different programs represented there. One of them is South Beach. They can be found here. Good luck and hope you are feeling better soon! Ann in TN
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