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Old 03-14-2007, 03:26 PM
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Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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Originally Posted by mimisharon
Hey Debbie,
Day late and a dollar short, but, Clotilde's has some great open thimbles. I have some stick on thimbles I'll send you if you want them. I can't use them, they bother me. I used to have scuplture nails, but quilting is more fun. lol lol

I'm having tough time typing.....sewed my index finger the other night. First time in 50 years of sewing to do anything so dumb. Because I'm a touch typist not a hunt and peck, I may get some keys wrong, sorry id the words don't come right.

psssssssssst!!!! c'mere. i'll tell you a secret.

i use the underside of my sculptured nails like thimbles. otherwise, they wouldn't be worth the expense. (which reminds me ... i need a new set. LOL)
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