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Old 02-26-2014, 06:11 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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Default Are you a HOARDER or a WASTER?

There was a kid that used to come to our house and ask that question and I always got a kick out of his question. (His Daddy was seriously a hoarder...) It used to be desirable to be frugal though. Is there a difference between frugal and hoarding? People used to save everything. What I want to focus on for now is bobbin thread. YUP. Bobbin thread Thread has always been some what expensive I guess. My mom only had about 4 bobbins for her Singer FW in her entire life - were they that expensive or hard to find? She would wind the bobbin and then if there wasn't much left she would either wind more thread over it or she would wind the bobbin thread back onto the original spool of thread. It must have been a very common practice - I've seen it with a lot of the older sewing machines - bobbins with MANY colors on each one. The problem becomes how do you use the first or second color? Penny wise and pound foolish? Waste not want not? Maybe that is why they invented clear bobbins. Do you do save bobbin thread? How? Do you just buy more bobbins?

I have been sifting through my hoard of stuff and ran across some long bobbins. In the case was thread wound around a match stick - since it was in the bobbin case, I presume it was off of a bobbin. What ever works I guess. Have you got any good bobbin stories?
Attached Thumbnails bobbin-thread-001.jpg  
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