Thread: Toxic
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Old 02-26-2014, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by FroggyinTexas View Post
Hey, folks! It's not the media making up this stuff. I am a former newspaper reporter and what we printed and what TV news reports is whatever researchers reported to us. What you really want to know is (1) who did the research, (2) who paid for the research, (3) does anyone stand to make money off this research? I have become very skeptical of researchers who are paid by companies that stand to gain from an overly optimistic report about a product in development or stand to gain from an overly pessimistic report about a competitors product. If you are worried about yellow dye, either don't buy anything yellow or launder it before using. froggyintexas
Thanks, Froggie, for injecting some good sense into this discussion.

Remember that at one time people were getting their children's feet x-rayed in shoe stores because nobody knew it could cause problems, and in an earlier time lead was used in cookware and paint and people didn't know what was making them sick. Don't shoot the messenger!
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