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Old 02-27-2014, 09:14 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Calif. Desert
Posts: 239

My Great Grandmother was thrifty out of necessity. She made nearly all of her clothing. She would try to sew at least one seam every day on a dress or project. When finished with she would leave it in the machine and the next day the new seam would began with only a small amount of thread between seams so as not to waste the thread.

Her Domestic sewing machine, a treadle is still in the family and still sews.

As for me, I have a lot of bobbins with matching spools of thread. They are stored together so when I need a certain color I don't have to hunt up the bobbin to go with the color. I don't put them in pill bottles usually just on a shelf with the bobbin on top. Or, when I get super efficient I roll up a sponge earplug put it in the top of the spool and the bobbin on it. Keeps em together!
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