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Old 03-12-2014, 05:31 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cottage Grove, MN
Posts: 2,809

Magpie Quilts: Welcome Aboard! Like Rhonda Lee, I am trying to watch my purchases associated with quilting/sewing. My biggest downfall is gadgets(rulers, different size of cutting mats, sewing storage bins, etc.), the fleece remnant bin at JoAnn's and garage sales. I am fortunate to volunteer with a couple of different groups that use donated fabric so I really don't need to buy much but those garage sale bargains get to me.

Time to work on some sewing projects. I'm trying not to think of the batting that is on sale at JoAnn's tomorrow through Sunday because I really need to use up what I have at home first.

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