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Old 03-21-2014, 10:02 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: USA
Posts: 174
Default Hello From a Newbie

I've made a few posts so far - figured I should introduce myself!

I've always loved quilts and decided to take a class last fall on making a rag quilt. That was enjoyable and got me into buying fabric, so I've decided to continue! Luckily for me, we had my grandmother's old Featherweight stored away. Having not been used since probably the 1970's or early 80's, it tuned up quite nicely at the local repair shop. Little did I know what a following those machines have!

The next project I'm going to attempt is a tied patchwork quilt. I'm learning as I go and finding that both this board and Youtube are very helpful in teaching oneself. I think it's a great way to get the "younger" folks like myself into handicrafts.

I've been learning how to sew as well, and have made some zippered pouches and a small messenger bag.

Nice to meet you all, I'm glad I've found this community!
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