Old 04-02-2014, 04:33 AM
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Originally Posted by trueimage View Post
I've been looking at this machine too. (Brother 420) Are you happy with it? I'm planning on taking the plunge next month. *crosses fingers*
I just got one the week before last.
It's a sweeeeeet machine for the price.
It compares nicely to machines you'd expect to find only at a hard-wall dealer.
One other brand/model I was considering - sold only through hard-wall dealers - cost about twice as much.
The second brand/model I considered was more than twice as much.
Neither was superior in any way I could personally determine.

The needle threader is a marvel to behold and use.
Absolutely the kewlest threader i've ever seen and [in my not-so-humble opinion] better than those on my more expensive machines.
I did a little bit of test stippling and was extremely impressed.
It took only one top tension adjustment to eliminate eye-lashing on the back.
It uses a standard Class 15 bobbin, so no need to spend mega-bucks on brand/model-specific bobbins.
I haven't tested it with a Schmetz, but Organ brand needles line up perfectly with the needle threader.

Once I decided that was the make/model I wanted as my travel machine, and started shopping around for one, I found that prices for it varied wildly - as in by more than $200 between highest and lowest price found.

I got mind from amazon for $349 (plus tax); shipped free.

It does not come with an extension table or with a 1/4" foot.
My total cost added up to a bit over $400 once I added the extension table (which is worth every penny.)
I already had a Brother 1/4" foot, so didn't buy another. They are easy to find on the net and not expensive.

One note - in case it might matter to somebody: Brother has discontinued manufacture of this model. I can't imagine why, but they have. I found that out because I had considered buying a used one. It was missing the hard cover that comes with it. I couldn't get a replacement because they aren't making the machine anymore. Soooo ... I got one new-in-box instead. All the warranty conditions remain in place, though, so I'm not worried about it.
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