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Old 04-24-2014, 08:00 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 7

Hi PaperPrincess,

I bought 2 kits, which have 6 blocks each. When I say circle it would be keeping the squares and arranging them so it resembles a circle (don't know if I'm saying that right) so no special cuts there. The center of the quilt would have a pieced design with the six blocks surrounding it. I would like to do a design piece for the whole quilt. I've been looking at patterns from many different websites and Pinterest and I am not sure which design would go best. I was hoping for ideas on what design pieces anyone may have that would go with the dream catcher quilt blocks. I am also doing these in shades of blue so I'm wondering what color choices I should use for the design pieces. I appreciate any help anyone can provide. Thanks!
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