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Old 04-24-2014, 03:21 PM
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Default Dressed To The Nines

I have been going CRAZY the past few weeks working on my latest quilt. Crazy not because of the quilt, but because I can't share it on my blog because it is a birthday gift for my mother, and well, she reads the blog ! So, I got the idea to show if off to you all where it is safe from my mothers eyes !

I still need to bind it, but I finally got all the blocks together. I quilted each block separately then joined them with sashing.

The front is made of different variations of a 9 patch. The center block is all print 9 patch, then around that is alternating solid / print 9 patches, and around the outside is all D9P blocks. The prints are all cut from mens shirts.


The back of each square is a striped fabric in alternating directions. I miscounted when I made them so there are two back squares in the same direction next to each other on the bottom row, but I did not realize it till it was too late to change it.


I am thinking of binding it in a dark blue to match the blues on the front of the quilt. Still not sure. It needs to sit and stew a little longer to be sure !
Attached Thumbnails dscn2947-650x487.jpg   dscn2946-650x487.jpg  
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