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Old 04-30-2014, 02:22 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Dang! I blew it on the last day of the month. I had given my cousin 4 yards from an 8 yard cut, so I thought I was doing well. Today we ordered a bit of a coordinating print from the same line. She needed it to make her quilt, & asked me if I wanted a couple yards too, and I caved. The bad part is that I had no specific plan for the original 4 yards, and now I have 2 additional yards to keep it company. But it's really pretty. I don't suppose that I can rationalize it by saying I gave her 4 yards, added 2 so I'm ahead 2 yards for the month? Also, we ordered it online so it won't get here until next month... Sigh.
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