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Old 05-05-2014, 10:24 AM
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I wish I had got interested in the sewing machine before my Mom got to the point she couldn't answer questions. I know there was a zigzag machine when I was in high school, but I don't remember that one. What I do remember is sewing up a shirt for my boyfriend when I was 16. My Grandmother was going to do the buttonholes for me, and she re set the cuffs and collar as she decided I didn't do a good enough job on them LOL!!

Based on the estimate of the age, this White may actually be older than the 201 was. So I'm really wondering what machine Mom had that I sewed on as a teen. My mom would have been married about 30 years by then, so I expect this was one of her earlier machines. Who knows - it may have been tucked into the attic for the last 60 years. I'll have to ask my oldest Sister if she remembers this machine.
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