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Old 05-16-2014, 04:21 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Michigan. . .FINALLY!!!!
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Are you pinning your binding to the quilt sandwich before you sew it on? I don't. I almost always use bias cut binding; just my personal preference. I think it just hugs the edge of the quilt better than straight of grain. I also use diagonal joins. When I am sewing my binding to the top of my quilt sandwich, I lay the binding on the top and start sewing it on. As I am sewing, I will just keep laying the binding on top of the sandwich without pulling or stretching it. I stop 1/4" from the edge and then I do use a couple of pins to place my corners correctly. Works for me and I haven't had any issues with puckers. I also make sure that I don't have any joining seams anywhere near the ends of my binding.

Last edited by auntpiggylpn; 05-16-2014 at 04:24 PM.
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