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Old 05-18-2014, 03:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Auntie V View Post
I was not sure what size to make a crib quilt that I was giving as a gift and ended up going to the store and purchasing a set of receiving blankets. Then I ended up using one for the backing of the quilt. I have also made some 45x45 to use for floor quilts or the inside of a playpen. Like others have said any size will work.
See, I'm making my own recieving blankets because the ones they sell now days are so small. They look more like burp rags than blankets that can be wrapped around a baby. I'm getting ready to make some for my 6 mo granddaughter and my newest great grandson since the weather is getting warmer and you need lighter ones. Some will be single layered fabric and others will be doubled for those chilly or wet days. I'm going to do squares using the width of the fabric as a guide since the kids are so young, I'm also embroidering their initials on them as well.
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