Old 05-21-2014, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by manicmike View Post
I've seen precisely one in Australia, and I'm looking every single day for sewing machines, so outside North America they're very rare.
If ckcowl has a 99 as her favourite then, since a 66 and 201 would make the same quality stitch you probably don't like drop in bobbin machines. Model 15s are very popular around QB, so maybe you should look at one? In Australia they're not as common as 66/99/201 but still come up often. Japanese clones are even better value, as they usually sell for very little and are excellent machines from the 1950s. Most 15s and all the clones I've seen have a feed dog you can drop, if you're interested in free motion work. Of course I'm not a quilter so for all I know it could be a well know fact that a 15 is rubbish at piecing
I don't have the space either, but I seem to find new hiding spots for new machines every week!
Mike, I need to get my 15 out and try it for piecing. When it was out it was great for free motion. I'm hoping to get it set up in it's treadle this weekend.

I had a Pinnock which I sold and I am thinking that that would have been a very good machine for piecing if I had given it half a chance.
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