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Old 05-26-2014, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by citruscountyquilter View Post
Yes, we are glue basting our quilts with washable school glue such as Elmer's. I don't spread the glue but rather put it in thin stream over the batting of the quilt. I don't have globs generally doing this but if I do at the beginning I just spread it out with my finger. I have never tried spreading it out with a paint brush or as suggested here a paint roller. There are some issues with hands getting tired squeezing the bottle but once the bottle is getting near empty I switch to another bottle which is easier to squeeze and then drain the glue from the old bottle into a less empty bottle. I also store my closed bottle of glue upside down as suggested here on this board by someone which eliminates the dried glue in the nozzle that occurs once you use the bottle. I like the glue basting over spray basting because there are no fumes or over spray which makes it much neater to use. I have not had any issues with it gumming up my machine. It is dry when by the time you are quilting. I also use it to hold my binding in place while I'm hand sewing the back. No pins to stick me!
Wow thank you for responding. I use Glue Baste for all my hand appliqué (which I'm sure is just Elmer's) but I never thought of trying it for an basting a quilt. Has anyone used it for a quilt that was hand quilted? I'm curious how that worked. I've been on the 505 bandwagon forever but it's so expensive! I tried a cheaper one and hated it. That quilt is stuffed in a box, half quilted, waiting for me to get the ambition to tackle the rest.
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