Thread: Quilting?
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Old 05-29-2014, 07:34 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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I feel like I need to make a comment on this subject. I love all quilting, long arm, domestic machine and hand quilting. When I make a quilt I make every effort to make each one better than the last. I love to sew the pieces together and see the out come. I have to quilt mine on my domestic machine and they never get too fancy, because I do not have a LA and I am not an accomplished free motion quilter. Some do have a mistake or two no matter how hard I try, but as one of my High School band directors often told us when someone made a mistake- "you aren't perfect, there was only one who was perfect and they crucified Him, but always at least do the very best you can". So far I have never had any complaints on any of the quilts I have made and quilted. Yes I have sold a few. In my personal opinion when I make a quit I personally like to do it all myself, cutting, piecing, and quilting, then I can say I made this or that quilt. As someone else said I don't feel like I can afford to pay someone else to do the work.
Quilts that I have seen that were LA are beautiful and for those who do it hats off to them. I would love to have a LA and be able to see what I could do with my quilting then. I definitely admire anyone who does hand quilting and takes the necessary time and patience to accomplish this task-to me that is truly an art in itself when well done. I however have never attempted to hand quilt and doubtfully never will. I hate to do hand sewing. Also some things are not always meant to be soft and cuddly, and are sometimes for more display and beauty.
This being said I think that all quilts not matter how they are quilted, pieced or what colors or pattern that is used are and always have been a work of art. True quilts in the past were meant more for necessity and warmth, but they were still works of art.
This is a subject about which every one has their own opinion, some will never change theirs so no one is completely wrong or right, such are like the many quilts made and people all are different (thank goodness).
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