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Old 05-29-2014, 08:03 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
Posts: 3,041

Praying for the best for your friend. I had a long time older dear friend a widower, whose family was once neighbors of ours and we all moved to different parts of town. He was a member of the same church I am. Bill was fighting cancer and getting very low, I knew I just had to make him a quilt. I made him quick twin sized log cabin and when I took it to him he was elated and very touched. I gave him his quilt on a Thursday and he passed away five days later. His daughter-in-law told me later that Bill commented on how he loved the quilt and was curled and wrapped up in his quilt when he died. Really made me happy that I had taken the time to do this small gesture for my dear friend and I think it gave him some small amount of comfort at the end.
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