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Old 05-31-2014, 03:54 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Yes, I've made several. You have to make sure it's an equilateral triangle, I have a studio and used this die:
it's a bit bigger than I would have liked, but the other one they offer cuts the fabric in a hexagon shape and I think it would be more difficult to position the fabric.

Looks like they only have one for the GO!:

What I did was after you match & layer the fabric & shake it into submission, I used my sewing machine and made bar tacks every 3-4 inches over the whole stack, like you were pinning a sandwich together. I make a lot of tacks, but it goes quickly. This way, I could remove all the pins before I used the die cutter. It really helps to keep the stack from shifting as you need to manipulate the fabric a bit more using the die cutter. If you don't have a bar tack (or sew on button) option on your machine, shorten your stitch width & do a couple wide zig zags.

Last edited by PaperPrincess; 05-31-2014 at 03:56 AM.
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